The Sickening Truth: How Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Medicine, and Politicians Profit From America's Health Crisis—Exploiting Us From Birth to Death
From Harvard and Stanford to Your Dinner Plate—Unveiling the Corruption Fueling America’s Health Crisis
Refresh by this evening before you go to bed, and we should have it ready for you! And if we run late with it... it'll be ready for you by breakfast—we're working on an explosive article for Unite To Save America about the truth no one wants to hear regarding the 2024 elections!By Nadine Safron
In the heart of America’s healthcare system lies a festering wound—one that has been deliberately inflicted by the very institutions sworn to protect our health. Big Pharma, in collusion with food giants, medical institutions, the FDA, politicians, and other powerful institutions, have rigged the system to profit from our sickness rather than ensuring our well-being. This week, Dr. Casey Means, a Stanford-trained physician and surgeon, and her brother Calley Means, a Harvard graduate and healthcare entrepreneur, exposed the deep corruption at the core of our medical education and healthcare practices during a revealing conversation with Tucker Carlson.
Dr. Means, who once believed in the system, now sees it for what it truly is—a machine designed not to heal, but to perpetuate illness. Her story, intertwined with that of her brother, paints a vivid picture of how this corruption reaches into every corner of our lives—from the prescriptions we take to the food we eat—and how we can fight back against it.
America's Health Crisis: Metabolic Dysfunction Destroying Lives by Design—How Government Collusion and Big Industry Are Profiting While Killing Us
The Corruption in Medical Education: Breaking the Doctor's Oath
It all begins with how doctors are trained. As Dr. Casey Means explained, medical schools like Stanford, where she trained, are heavily funded by pharmaceutical companies. Big Pharma contributes up to 50% of Stanford Medical School's funding, shaping the curriculum in ways that prioritize pharmaceutical treatments and diagnostics over true healing. Doctors are taught to diagnose and manage diseases, but they are not trained to understand the root causes of these illnesses. Instead, they become cogs in a machine that profits from perpetual sickness.
Dr. Means’ story is not just about her disillusionment with medicine—it’s about her moral obligation to step away from a broken system. After nine years of rigorous training at Stanford, she realized that her job as a surgeon was merely to treat symptoms, not to heal the underlying causes of illness. “I was never, ever taught to look at the whole patient,” she told Tucker Carlson. “I was only taught how to do the surgery and then bill for it.”
This realization hit her during a moment in the operating room when she was performing a third revision sinus surgery on a patient with multiple chronic conditions—conditions that had never been adequately addressed. She knew how to perform the surgery, prescribe medication, and send the patient on her way, but she had no idea why the patient was sick in the first place.
This is a crucial insight—doctors are trained to treat symptoms, but not to ask why patients are getting sicker every year. Dr. Means decided she could no longer be part of a system that profits off of sickness. On her 30th birthday, she walked into her department chair’s office at Stanford and put down the scalpel. She devoted herself instead to understanding the root causes of why Americans are getting sicker every year—why 50% of American children now have a chronic health issue when this was less than 1% fifty years ago.
A Broken System—By Design
The implications of this corrupted medical education system are staggering. Nearly 50% of American adults are sick, and as Dr. Means pointed out, the number of children dealing with chronic health issues has skyrocketed by 50 times since the 1970s. This is not just a coincidence—it’s a direct consequence of a system designed to create lifelong patients.
Did you hear that? Let me repeat:
"Dr. Means pointed out that the number of children dealing with chronic health issues has skyrocketed by 50 times since the 1970s. That is fricking insane! Statistically, this isn't just some random anomaly—this is criminal! The odds of such an exponential increase happening naturally are astronomically low. We are talking about something so engineered, so intentional, that it could never occur in a healthy, functioning society without external manipulation. Someone or something designed this system to profit off our suffering!"
— Nadine Safron
Doctors, constrained by their training, cannot connect the dots between the rise in chronic diseases and the systemic issues that fuel them. They are taught to treat symptoms, not to cure the underlying causes. As a result, patients remain dependent on pharmaceuticals for the rest of their lives, ensuring steady profits for Big Pharma.
Dr. Means explained that every aspect of medical training is “systematically focused on blinding us from thinking about root causes.” American healthcare is the largest and fastest-growing industry, not because people are healthier, but because more patients are entering the system and staying there longer.
Unnecessary Treatments: The First Day of Life on Big Pharma's Treadmill
This rigged system begins even before a person leaves the hospital. Every single baby born in the United States receives pharmaceutical interventions within hours of birth—often without clear medical justification. Dr. Means highlighted the case of the Hepatitis B vaccine, which is administered to newborns within the first day of life. Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted disease and IV drug user disease, yet every baby in America receives the vaccine even though they will not be exposed to these risks.
Born into the Pharma Treadmill: The Shocking Truth of Unnecessary Interventions on Day One
Dr. Means questioned why newborns are subjected to these unnecessary interventions instead of simply testing pregnant mothers for these diseases. Her argument strikes at the heart of the problem—unnecessary treatments are being mandated not for the patient’s benefit but to secure profits for pharmaceutical companies.
This is just one example of how Americans are put on Big Pharma's treadmill from the moment they are born. As Casey noted, “the system is rigged to create diseases and then profit off of them,” and this process begins on day one.
The Deadly Alliance of Big Pharma and Big Food
But the corruption doesn’t stop at medical schools and hospitals. Big Pharma’s reach extends far beyond the doctor's office—into the very food we eat. Calley Means, with his background in public health and his experience at Harvard, explains how cigarette companies began buying up food companies decades ago. These companies, using their expertise in addiction, have engineered foods that are loaded with sugar, fat, and salt, creating a vicious cycle of unhealthy eating that leads directly to chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
Calley’s research reveals that in the 1990s, two of the largest companies involved in both food and cigarettes were RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris, with the latter being a conglomerate better known for producing cigarettes but also holding significant control over the food industry. When the Surgeon General’s office finally declared cigarettes dangerous, these tobacco giants pivoted to food, using their vast resources to buy up food companies. They applied their addiction science to food, creating ultra-processed products that are as addictive as cigarettes.
The result? Today, 70% of the average American child’s diet is composed of ultra-processed foods—foods that were designed by cigarette companies to be addictive. These foods wreak havoc on our health, leading to the rise of chronic diseases that Big Pharma is all too eager to manage with a lifetime of medications.
The Financial Power of Big Pharma: Controlling the Narrative
To maintain this sickening status quo, Big Pharma spends more on lobbying in Washington, D.C., than any other industry—five times more than Big Oil. Their influence over lawmakers ensures that regulations favor their interests, keeping the public in the dark about the true causes of the health crisis. Meanwhile, the food industry continues to peddle its addictive products, knowing that their customers will eventually become Big Pharma's customers.
This deadly, silent alliance between Big Food and Big Pharma has resulted in a nation that is sicker than ever before. As Calley Means pointed out, the system is designed not to heal, but to create a steady stream of patients in need of lifelong medication. Even more alarming is that these industries fund the very organizations that are supposed to protect us—such as the American Diabetes Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics—creating a conflict of interest that puts corporate profits above public health.
Personal Stories: Walking Away for a Greater Cause
Dr. Casey Means’ decision to walk away from her surgical career was not an easy one. She was at the top of her class at Stanford, had a prestigious career ahead of her, and had achieved everything she had set out to do. Yet, she could no longer ignore the moral implications of working in a system that profits from keeping people sick.
“I had to walk away from the surgical world because I realized that I was going to be making money off of essentially not spending time helping patients understand their health and actually just profiting off their illness,” she (Dr. Casey) explained.
Her brother Calley’s journey was equally transformative. A Harvard graduate, Calley initially pursued a career in politics, but soon found himself working for the very industries that were corrupting the system. He recalls how cigarette companies strategically bought off food companies and funded nutrition research to manipulate public health guidelines. Watching this unfold, Calley realized the depth of the corruption and became radicalized against the system.
Both Casey and Calley’s personal stories underscore the intensity of their commitment to exposing this corruption. They gave up promising careers to pursue the truth, and their journey serves as a powerful example of what it takes to fight back against the institutions that are profiting from our sickness.
A Path Forward: Reclaiming Our Health
This corruption can be dismantled, but it requires a seismic shift in how we approach healthcare. Dr. Casey Means emphasizes the urgent need for medical education reform, advocating for training that empowers doctors to understand and address the root causes of illness. Calley Means adds that we must hold food companies accountable for their role in fueling the health crisis and break the stranglehold that Big Pharma has on our political system.
The path forward requires both top-down and bottom-up approaches. At the top, we need sweeping reforms that remove the financial incentives for keeping people sick. This includes rethinking how medical education is funded, reevaluating the role of pharmaceutical companies in shaping public health guidelines, and demanding transparency from the food industry.
From the bottom, it’s up to us as individuals to take control of our health. This means questioning the status quo, demanding better from our healthcare providers, and making informed choices about the food we consume.
The system is broken—but it doesn’t have to stay that way. By shining a light on the corruption that pervades our healthcare, food, and political systems, we can begin to reclaim our health and our future. The stakes are too high to ignore; we must act now before another generation is lost to chronic illness and pharmaceutical dependency.
Now is the time for a health revolution—one where we prioritize well-being over corporate profits, where doctors are empowered to heal rather than manage symptoms, and where our food system is designed to nourish rather than destroy. The Means siblings have sounded the alarm; it’s up to us to answer the call.
For anyone looking to learn more, please read Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health by Casey Means, MD, and Calley Means (May 14, 2024), or watch the entire two-hour and twenty-minute video on Tucker Carlson's channel.
Personal Note:
I know firsthand how hard it is to blow the lid off big organizations and government corruption. My sister Francine had the powers that be destroy countless thousands of hours of her work (our work) on, without even a human replying as to why, and not one response to dozens of inquiries (shame on you, Elon, even though we still love you). I just want to say Go Girl! to Dr. Casey, and to Calley and Tucker—keep up the great work and keep fighting the good fight. We’re with you!
How Could the World's Richest Person Not Know? Is Under Attack from the Inside, Just Like America?
How the US Government Controls Social Media Through Elon Musk
The Shocking Truth About Censorship and Shadowbanning (Leading Sheeple to Slaughter)
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"The Weekend Wrap-Up: Recap of the Week and a Look at What’s Next..."
Refresh by this evening before you go to bed, and we should have it ready for you!
And if we run late with it... it'll be ready for you by breakfast—we're working on an explosive article breaking later today for Unite To Save America about the truth no one wants to hear regarding the 2024 elections! 😎

Recap / Update 1
Trump Takes Aim at Kamala’s Communist Price Control Scheme
Watch as Trump unapologetically dismantles Kamala’s latest delusion at his rally—because someone needs to call out this madness before it tanks the country. Grab the popcorn and enjoy!
Kamala Harris' Price Control Fantasy: A Recipe for Economic Disaster
Kamala Harris unveiled her grand economic plan during a speech in Raleigh, North Carolina, promising to "bring down costs" if elected president. Bold talk, right? But here’s the kicker—Harris has had nearly four years as Vice President to tackle these problems, and guess what? Prices have only gone up. That’s right, up, up, and away, under her and Biden's watch.
Blaming the Pandemic? Convenient, But Not Convincing
Harris loves pointing fingers at the pandemic for those skyrocketing prices. Sure, supply chains were disrupted, but guess what? They’ve improved! So why are we still paying through the nose? Could it be the very policies she and the administration have shoved down our throats? Just a thought.
Kamala, Let’s Get Real...
Your claim that you’ll bring down inflation reminds me of a scene from The Social Network when Mark Zuckerberg says, “If you were the inventors of Facebook, you’d have invented Facebook.” Well, Kamala—if you could’ve curbed inflation, you would’ve curbed inflation. Instead, you caused it—likely at the behest of your CCP masters—and now you're selling us a fantasy that’s set to destroy America.
Price Controls: The Same Old Failed Playbook
Her big solution? Price controls. Newsflash, Kamala—every country that’s tried this has ended up in economic ruin. Look no further than Venezuela or the Soviet Union. Price controls don’t bring relief; they bring shortages and collapse. Her plan to go after "big corporations" and "corporate landlords" may sound heroic, but it’s just a slick cover for a socialist agenda that will push America to the brink—or maybe that’s the goal?
Dueling Campaigns, High Stakes, and a Nation on the Line
As Harris and Trump hold dueling campaign events in battleground states like Pennsylvania, the stakes have never been higher. With 19 electoral votes in play, voters must decide if they want more of Kamala’s failed policies or a return to sanity. The truth? We were on the right track until the communists hijacked the 2020 election, and now they’re on the 99-yard line, one play from a complete takeover (communist touchdown). Will we stop them before they score?
Kamala’s CCP Connections Exposed
Why is Kamala Harris so comfortable embracing all things communist? It’s no secret she’s under the CCP’s control. Don’t believe me? Have a listen to the truth no one else dares to say—and it’s not just Kamala who’s on the CCP’s leash. Time to wake up, America.
Call to Action
👉 RECAP of Urgent Call to Action: We Need Your Help Now!
Kamala Harris and others in power are playing a dangerous game, one that puts America's very survival at risk. The CCP has infiltrated every level of our government, and the consequences are staggering. This is not just a political fight—it’s a fight for our nation’s soul. ACT NOW.
Watch the “CCP Invasion: America's Last Stand Against Totalitarianism and Terrorist Attacks – Voting Alone Won't Save America or Trump” video now and understand the real threats we face. Then take action. Share this video widely, get informed, and most importantly, demand the formation of Civil Defense Coalitions in your community.
Your voice, your action, and your resolve are America's last line of defense.
Kamala’s CCP Connections Exposed
Why is Kamala Harris so comfortable embracing all things communist? It’s no secret she’s under the CCP’s control. Don’t believe me? Have a listen to the truth no one else dares to say—and it’s not just Kamala who’s on the CCP’s leash. Time to wake up, America.
Recap / Update 2
Newsom’s Crime Circus: Grandstanding, Laws, and the Smash-and-Grab Showdown

Another Empty Gesture from the Governor
So, California’s Governor Newsom decided to grace us with another grand gesture this week, signing a whole “package” of bills aimed at curbing smash-and-grab robberies and car thefts. Oh, cue the applause. Because clearly, another batch of laws is what’s going to stop rampant crime, right? Never mind that the state’s already devolving into some sort of dystopian playground for criminals. But sure, Governor, let's act like you’re actually doing something meaningful here.
The “Impressive” $45 Million Recovery—Not Really
I mean, the California Highway Patrol says they've recovered a whopping $45 million in stolen goods and arrested nearly 3,000 people since 2019. Impressive? Hardly. Do the math, and that’s barely a dent in the actual theft problem. Maybe Newsom should start handing out gold stars for effort while he’s at it because that’s about as effective as his little “bipartisan” show of tough love. Spoiler alert: real change doesn't come with empty headlines and flashy ceremonies at Home Depot.
The Real Issue? Lawlessness Reigns
Meanwhile, let’s not overlook the real issue here—California's refusal to get serious about the root of the problem. Soros-backed DAs have practically turned the criminal justice system into a revolving door for offenders. And now, with this “significant” legislation, Newsom’s more focused on cracking down on eBay sellers than on actually stopping the looters in their tracks. Genius! Because what better way to stop smash-and-grab rings than by tracking high-volume resellers? Good luck with that.
Craving more? Check out this explosive piece: Kamala & Gavin—Partners in Crime (Literally)!
Time to Empower Law Enforcement
Want to really fix the problem? How about empowering law enforcement instead of tying their hands with feel-good policies? Maybe take a page out of Florida's book, where they don’t waste time playing patty-cake with criminals who threaten public safety. Instead, they hand out some good old-fashioned justice.
Another Week, Another Show—Stay Tuned
So, as we move forward into another week, let’s see how this political theater unfolds. Will Newsom’s grandstanding actually do anything to stem the tide of crime? Unlikely. But don’t worry, folks—there’s always next week’s new “plan” to save the day. In the meantime, enjoy the chaos.
Recap / Update 3
Trump Recruits Tulsi Gabbard for Debate Prep After She Torched Harris in 2019
Tulsi Gabbard, former Hawaii congresswoman and 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful, is back in the spotlight—and this time, she’s teaming up with none other than Donald Trump. That’s right, the woman who torched Kamala Harris on the 2019 debate stage has been recruited by Trump himself to bring some firepower to his upcoming debates.
Gabbard vs. Harris: The Viral 2019 Debate Moment
Let’s rewind for a second. Remember when Gabbard obliterated Harris during that infamous 2019 Democratic primary debate? It was like watching a cat toy with a mouse. Gabbard blasted Harris for locking up over 1,500 people for marijuana violations as California's attorney general—and then had the audacity to laugh about her own pot use. Hypocrisy much? Gabbard didn’t stop there. She savaged Harris for keeping people in prison beyond their sentences for cheap labor and defending a cash bail system that disproportionately punished the poor. Harris’s response? A weak, rehearsed defense about “criminal justice reform” that didn’t exactly convince anyone. The crowd saw right through it.
Trump Calls in Reinforcements: Gabbard Joins the Team
It’s no wonder Trump wants Gabbard in his corner. She’s already joined him for a practice session at Mar-a-Lago, sharpening his claws for the 2024 debates. According to Trump’s National Press Secretary, Karoline Leavitt, Trump doesn’t need the typical debate prep—he’s already one of the best debaters in political history. But Gabbard, whose debate performance absolutely humiliated Harris in 2019, brings some sharp new energy to the team.
Why Gabbard’s 2019 Takedown Still Matters
Gabbard famously ditched the Democratic Party two years ago, declaring her independence and aligning with conservative values. And let’s not forget, there were whispers of her being a potential running mate for Trump. Now, she’s stepping up to help him refine his punches for the next political showdown.
Her 2019 takedown of Harris still resonates, as she continues to call out Harris’s hypocrisy. Gabbard warns voters not to fall for the vice president’s repackaged persona. “She says one thing, does another—don’t be fooled,” Gabbard has warned, making it clear that Harris hasn’t changed her ways.
An “Empty Suit” with Handlers: Gabbard’s Harsh Assessment of Harris
Gabbard hasn’t held back in her critiques of Harris, recently calling her an “empty suit” on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom. According to Gabbard, Harris’s handlers are working overtime to package her into something voters might find palatable—insulting our intelligence in the process. “They think we’re too stupid to remember her record,” Gabbard said, echoing her 2019 takedown of Harris as a politician who talks out of both sides of her mouth.
What’s Next: Gabbard and Trump Team Up for the 2024 Showdown
It’s a fascinating twist in the political saga—Gabbard, once a Democratic contender, now offering her razor-sharp political instincts to the Republican frontrunner. As she and Trump prepare for the 2024 debates, all eyes are on the showdown. Will Harris be ready for round two, or will she be left stumbling once again under Gabbard’s withering critiques?
Recap / Update 4
Recap: Shooter Fires on JBSA-Lackland Air Force Base, Prompting Exchange of Gunfire
In yet another alarming incident testing our military's defenses, security forces at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland were fired upon early Saturday by at least one suspect in a drive-by shooting. The attack took place around 4:30 a.m., targeting the JBSA-Chapman Training Annex gate. Fortunately, the officers swiftly returned fire, and while the base was temporarily locked down, no injuries were reported.

Though details remain sparse, including the exact number of shooters involved and their motives, this incident is just one of many raising serious red flags about the vulnerabilities facing U.S. military installations. The main gate was closed for several hours, and the San Antonio police were called in to assist with the investigation.
A Pattern of Threats?
This event is far from isolated. It comes amid a growing wave of suspicious activities at military bases across the nation, incidents that suggest far more than random acts of violence. As we explored in Death by a Thousand Cuts Part 2, foreign adversaries—especially the CCP—have been meticulously surveilling and probing the defenses of U.S. military facilities. From North Carolina to San Antonio, we’ve seen repeated attempts to gain access to sensitive areas, disrupt communications, and test the readiness of our armed forces.
While no direct link has been established between these shootings and foreign espionage, the context is clear: our military bases are being targeted, and we must treat each of these incidents as potential probes for larger, more coordinated attacks.
The Growing Need for a National Civil Defense Coalition
As noted in our ongoing research, particularly in Section II of Death by a Thousand Cuts Part 2, these incidents are reminiscent of prelude attacks seen in historical conflicts. But today, the threats are more sophisticated. Intelligence points to the CCP developing AI-powered drones capable of coordinated strikes on multiple U.S. military installations. Surveillance efforts have increased, with Chinese nationals and others from hostile nations attempting to infiltrate bases and spy on operations.
It’s time for red state leaders to band together and form a National Civil Defense Coalition. These shootings, as well as other instances of espionage, are just the beginning. America cannot afford to be complacent. The threat is real, and the clock is ticking.
This latest attack at JBSA-Lackland serves as a stark reminder that our enemies are testing us, and our response needs to be swift and decisive. These are not random acts of violence—they are calculated moves by foreign operatives probing our defenses, preparing for more significant attacks. A united civil defense effort is critical to counter these threats before they escalate further.
As America faces unprecedented threats, from physical attacks to cyber intrusions, we must rally together to protect our military infrastructure—and ultimately, our nation. The time for preparation is now. If we wait until the gates are breached, it may be too late.
For a deeper dive into how surveillance and sabotage are threatening our national security, check out the video short: “Surveillance and Sabotage: Act Now Before Elections” and discover why we need a National Civil Defense Coalition more than ever.
Recap / Update 5
Here We Go Again... This Time It's J13... And The CCP-Influenced Government Gets Away with Another Cover-Up (So Far) ... They Shred, Acid Wash, Burn, Obfuscate, Deny, Lie, And Do Whatever They Need to Do to Get Away with Murder (Literally) And Treason
Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins has blasted the FBI for releasing attempted Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks’ body to his family for cremation days after the shooting—calling it “disturbing” that the agency would impede further investigation.
The FBI didn’t just let the body go—they released it like they were rushing to close the case as quickly as possible. Higgins’ attempt to examine Crooks’ body hit a brick wall when he discovered that the FBI had already handed the shooter’s body over for cremation a mere 10 days after the July 13th assassination attempt. Ten days! It's hard not to ask the obvious question: What were they trying to hide?

The Congressman didn’t mince words, calling the FBI’s actions an obstruction of justice. He noted that the local coroner, law enforcement, and the Sheriff’s office were all unaware of the release. Higgins had planned to examine the body himself to ensure the accuracy of the coroner’s report—but the FBI’s premature actions made sure that would never happen. We’ll never know if the official reports and pictures are accurate, because the evidence—Crooks’ body—has been incinerated.
Was Something More Sinister at Play?
This rush to cremate Crooks' body leaves a gaping hole in the investigation and raises the question: What might we have uncovered if a thorough investigation had been allowed to proceed? Cremation makes it impossible to conduct further autopsies or toxicology tests, which could have revealed whether Crooks was under the influence of mind-altering substances at the time of the attack.
Psychoactive drugs like LSD or synthetic cannabinoids, prescription medications that could influence behavior, or even experimental compounds that aren’t yet widely known—all of that potential evidence is now gone forever. Was Crooks operating under his own volition, or could someone have been manipulating him? These are the questions that need answers, but the FBI’s actions have effectively closed the door on that line of inquiry.
Was this an act of pure malice? Or was Crooks manipulated by outside forces—potentially tied to the deep state or foreign adversaries—to carry out the assassination attempt? Given the FBI’s haste to release the body for cremation, it’s not a far stretch to suspect that they might have been trying to erase evidence of something far more sinister.
An "Obstruction to Investigation" at Every Turn
If cremation wasn’t enough to make you suspicious, then consider this: the FBI only kept the crime scene locked down for three days. According to Higgins, “The FBI cleaned up biological evidence from the crime scene, which is unheard of. Cops don’t do that, ever.”
Imagine—an assassination attempt on a former president, and the scene is scrubbed clean within 72 hours? The FBI, fully aware that Congress would be investigating the shooting, rushed to release the area. It’s almost as if they were trying to get rid of evidence as quickly as possible. What do they know that we don’t?
Another Pattern of Obfuscation
This incident is part of a broader pattern of obstruction and obfuscation. The shooting at JBSA-Lackland Air Force base is just one of many odd occurrences at military bases that are swept under the rug, while foreign adversaries continue their espionage efforts virtually unchecked. The CCP and its operatives are relentless in their attempts to destabilize America, and the FBI seems more interested in covering tracks than uncovering the truth.
The facts are undeniable: foreign operatives surveil our military bases and critical infrastructure, while rogue shooters—like Crooks—are seemingly unleashed to sow chaos. Whether it's drones spying on our missile sites or electromagnetic interference aimed at disrupting our communications, the CCP’s hand in this insidious game cannot be ignored.
From the Obama-era cover-ups and Hillary’s illegal use of private servers—acid-washing the truth in the process—to the present-day FBI and Congress, who shred documents, burn evidence, and scrub crime scenes clean, we are left wondering: How long will it take before we, the American people, finally say 'enough is enough'?
It’s time for accountability. These cover-ups must end. How long will we continue to roll over, cower, and allow the deep state and foreign adversaries to pull the strings? Until we act, they will keep pushing, keep infiltrating, and keep eroding the very fabric of our nation. If we don’t stand up now, they will own America—and it might already be too late.
For more on how we must take action before it’s too late, read our latest article: “Experts Warn: The Fix Is In—Can America Stop the Inevitable Steal?” (article breaks 8.19.24)
While we confront the troubling reality of deep state cover-ups and foreign interference, it’s important to stay vigilant on all fronts—even those that might seem more mundane by comparison. So, if you're thinking of moving to Florida amidst the political chaos, here's what you need to know before you make that leap.
Recap / Update 6
Thinking of Moving to Florida? Here’s What You Should Know Before You Pack Your Bags
Considering a Move to Florida? What Every Homebuyer Should Know
Florida is a top choice for many of our readers, particularly those who lean center or right, as the Sunshine State offers many of the freedoms and benefits they seek. But, before making the move, there are important considerations to keep in mind that will benefit all readers—left or right—because these issues are apolitical and could affect any homeowner.
The Rising Cost of Homeownership: A Deep Dive into Florida's Insurance Crisis
Florida has become one of the most sought-after states to relocate to, but it hasn’t been without complications. One video recently shared by a Florida real estate expert highlights one of these growing concerns: the state’s skyrocketing insurance premiums. In areas like Shore Acres in Saint Petersburg—where flooding risks are high—homeowners are facing insurance hikes that are pricing them out of their homes. The number of homes for sale in flood-prone areas has surged by hundreds of percent over the last few years, largely driven by unaffordable insurance rates.
One key takeaway for potential homebuyers? Do your homework—flood zones like Shore Acres are especially vulnerable, and knowing the risks could save you a lot of headaches (and money) down the line. Properties in flood-prone areas can carry hefty insurance premiums—some reaching as high as $11,000 a year, making them difficult to maintain for many homeowners.
But this isn’t an issue exclusive to areas like Shore Acres. Across Florida, insurance rates have soared as more frequent and severe weather events leave a trail of costly damage in their wake. These rising premiums are compounded by increasing homeowner association fees and costly mortgages, leading many to question if the Sunshine State is still the haven it once was.
Condo Owners Feeling the Squeeze: Special Assessments and Rising Fees
In the wake of the 2021 Surfside condo collapse, Florida has implemented stricter safety standards, requiring more frequent inspections and larger reserve funds for repairs. While these changes are crucial for safety, they have come at a cost for many condo owners.
Some Floridians, who invested their life savings into condo units only a few years ago, are now forced to sell—often at a steep loss. In some cases, condo boards have imposed special assessments, costing individual owners upwards of six figures for necessary repairs. For those unable to cover these costs, selling at a significant loss has become the only option.
What Can You Do?
Whether you’re looking at a home or a condo, the key is to be informed. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Understand the Insurance Landscape: Florida’s unique risks—flooding, hurricanes, and more—can drastically affect insurance premiums. Make sure you understand what flood zone you’re buying in and what that will mean for your insurance costs.
Look into Condo Reserves: If you’re buying a condo, ask about the building’s reserve fund. Is it adequately funded for repairs? Have there been recent assessments? These questions could save you from getting hit with a huge, unexpected bill down the road.
Be Prepared for Changing Costs: Even if your building is up to code now, Florida’s laws are tightening, and that could mean rising fees in the future. Make sure you’re financially prepared for potential increases in insurance premiums, HOA fees, or special assessments.
Recap / Update 7
Our 2nd to last Update is A Combination Real Estate Science/Tech Piece
In Other Non-Earthly News (but Still Related to Real Estate, Sort Of)...
To the Moon (Caves) and Beyond! 🌙

While some of us are out here contemplating whether rising insurance costs and special assessments in Florida are enough to drive us back to renting, NASA is already dreaming of bigger and better things—like living in caves on the moon. That’s right, scientists have just discovered an underground cave that could be large enough to serve as a cozy little hideaway for future astronauts. You know, just your typical “getaway” spot when the neighborhood HOA fees back home start getting out of control. 😉
According to researchers, this potential lunar crash pad is located in a lava tube deep within the Mare Tranquillitatis pit. You heard that right—lava tubes on the moon. Apparently, billions of years ago, the moon was a hotbed of volcanic activity, and now, these tubes are prime real estate for future space pioneers. The estimated size of this particular cave? A cool 150 feet wide and 260 feet long—big enough to host your next lunar tailgate party (bring your own gravity).
So, Why Live in a Moon Cave?
Well, for one, the real estate market’s a lot less competitive up there. But more practically, these underground caves could protect us from the moon’s extreme temperature swings—from sizzling 250°F days to bone-chilling -200°F nights. Not to mention the high-energy radiation that bathes the lunar surface and would make even the most sunburn-prone among us look for shade.
In fact, temperatures inside these caves are believed to be a comfortable 63°F—perfect for setting up a moon base and escaping the harsh surface conditions. Add in the potential for finding frozen water (you know, for drinking or maybe crafting the moon’s first martini), and this could be the start of humanity’s next frontier. 🚀
The “What Ifs” of Lunar Life
Now, let’s have a little fun. Imagine being able to pick your moon cave neighborhood. Would you choose the peaceful Mare Tranquillitatis cul-de-sac or maybe a spot with a prime view of Earthrise? Perhaps you'd prefer a location with excellent "moon beam" exposure for those killer Instagram shots. 🌕✨
And how would we get around? Lunar elevators? Jet packs? Or perhaps the moon’s first roller-coaster zipping up and down those steep cave slopes? Inside these caves, who knows what wonders await—ancient lunar fossils, volcanic remnants, or even frozen water that could become the moon’s hottest commodity. 🚀
With over 200 pits already identified, the possibilities are endless. We could be on the brink of the next big rush—except this time, it’s for moon rocks and, who knows, maybe even signs of alien life (fingers crossed). 🛸
I Gotta Be Honest...
With all the chaos happening here on Earth—rising insurance premiums, HOA nightmares, special assessments, and the ever-lurking shadow of communism—moon living doesn’t sound half bad. Heck, I might just be first in line asking Elon if there’s room for one more on that Mars colony trip. 🌌
So, if Florida’s real estate market has you feeling a little landlocked, why not set your sights a bit higher? The moon might still be a stretch, but Mars is looking more promising by the day. After all, once we sort out terraforming, I hear it’s going to be the next hottest frontier. 😉
Pick me, Elon! 🚀
And speaking of space exploration...
Thinking of Moving to Mars? Here’s What We Know and What’s to Come
We’ve talked a lot about moving to Florida, but let’s take things a bit further—out of this world, actually. As Earth continues to face challenges like skyrocketing insurance premiums, rising HOA fees, and surprise special assessments, some of you might be dreaming of a bigger move. But not just any move—to Mars. After all, with NASA and SpaceX racing to send humans to the Red Planet, Mars could be the next great frontier for human settlement.
Best Guesstimate for Mars Colonization
So, when exactly will you be able to swap your beachfront condo in Miami for a cozy domed habitat on Mars? Here’s the latest scoop:
2030s to 2040s: The first human missions to Mars are expected to begin in this timeframe. SpaceX, led by the ever-ambitious Elon Musk, aims to send the first crewed missions by the mid-2030s. NASA isn’t far behind, with plans for Mars exploration after the success of its Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the Moon by 2025.
But don’t start packing your bags just yet. The early settlers will likely be scientists and engineers, tasked with testing and building the infrastructure needed for long-term habitation. So, while the first steps toward colonization might be within the next two decades, the idea of "choosing" to move to Mars may still be a bit further off.
What These Estimates Are Based On:
Technological Progress: SpaceX’s Starship rocket is designed to be fully reusable, capable of carrying passengers and cargo to Mars. If this spacecraft performs as planned, it could fast-track human missions.
Political and Financial Support: Success also depends on continued funding and political backing. While private companies like SpaceX can pivot more quickly than government agencies, large-scale Mars missions require global collaboration and significant investment.
Logistical Challenges: Life on Mars poses unique challenges—radiation exposure, psychological effects of long-duration space travel, and the need for sustainable life support systems. Solving these issues will take time.
Mars Infrastructure: Habitats, energy production, and resource extraction are all essential to making Mars habitable. The first missions will be focused on laying the groundwork, but full-scale colonization will require decades of infrastructure development.
By the late 2030s or 2040s, the first human footprints may be on Martian soil. But for the average person to casually decide to relocate to Mars? That’s likely going to be a long-term project, stretching into the 2050s or 2060s—and that’s just for the pioneers willing to rough it in a harsh environment (the way my Dad’s ancestors did in America in the earliest settlement of Jamestown, VA). Peril was the name of the game.
Want to Take an Even Wilder Guess?
So, what if you’re thinking, This is great, but I don’t want to wait that long? I get it. You’ve got your sights set on that Martian condo, and you’re eager to plant your flag on the Red Planet. But moving to Mars won’t be like buying a second home in the Hamptons. For it to be open to anyone, with accessible space travel and ready-to-live-in domed cities, we’re probably looking at the late 2100s (or even early 2200s).
By then, Mars could be an exciting, albeit challenging, frontier, much like the Americas were during the age of exploration—open to those willing to brave the unknown.
But Wait, Could AI Change the Game?
Now, don’t let that timeline discourage you just yet. Here’s the twist—what if AI speeds things up? Suddenly, we might be shaving decades off the timeline, bringing Martian colonization much closer. You see, AI isn’t just helping us power your smart home devices or create robots that can soon do most things a human can; it could be the secret weapon in making Mars livable much sooner.
What If... Just for Fun? AI Speeds Up Mars Colonization!
1. Spacecraft Design and Optimization 🚀
AI could revolutionize spacecraft design. Imagine AI running simulations to create the perfect rocket in just weeks instead of years. This would optimize efficiency, reduce fuel costs, and speed up the entire timeline for getting to Mars. No more waiting around—AI will have your interplanetary Uber ready in no time.
2. Autonomous Construction on Mars 🏗️
Why wait for humans to arrive on Mars to start building? AI-powered robots could be sent ahead to build habitats, water systems, and solar panels, ensuring that when the first settlers arrive, the essentials are already in place. These robots would work 24/7, tirelessly creating the infrastructure we need to thrive on another planet. Or, they might decide to keep the new habitat human-free, because they may not want any of that communist fuss up there. 😉
3. Terraforming and Environmental Control 🌱
While full terraforming is a long way off, AI could manage localized climate systems inside domes or underground habitats. Think of it as an AI-run thermostat, making sure your Martian home stays at a comfy 63°F while you explore the rugged terrain outside.
4. AI-Driven Healthcare 🏥
Healthcare on Mars could be a challenge—unless AI steps in. Advanced diagnostics, remote surgeries, and AI-driven treatments could ensure that even in a small Martian colony, everyone stays healthy. No need to send a full medical team to Mars; AI has got this covered.
5. Economic and Logistical Management 📦
AI will also be a master at managing the complex logistics of life on Mars. From food distribution to resource allocation, AI could make sure everything runs smoothly, ensuring self-sufficiency sooner than expected.
6. Problem Solving on the Fly 🤖
AI will help us solve the unexpected challenges of living on Mars. From finding new ways to produce food to optimizing life support systems, AI will analyze data and make decisions faster than humans ever could, helping us overcome obstacles that might otherwise slow down colonization efforts.
Accelerated Timeline with AI:
So, here’s the good news: with AI’s help, we could potentially see:
First human settlements by the late 2030s to 2040s.
Significant Mars infrastructure development by the 2050s or 2060s.
Wider colonization and civilian settlement by the 2070s or 2080s.
That’s right—you could be sipping Martian-grown coffee in a well-lit dome by the 2070s or 2080s, with AI handling the tough stuff while you enjoy the view of Olympus Mons.
In Closing...
If the idea of waiting until the late 2100s for your slice of Martian paradise seems too far off for your liking, chin up! AI could knock decades off the timeline. From speeding up spacecraft development to making Mars a comfy place to live, AI could be the game-changer that turns your wildest space dreams into reality sooner than you think.
Mars might not just be for future generations—it could be for you, too. 🚀
OK... That’s a Wrap!
And there you have it! From Trump’s take on Krazy Kommie Kamala’s latest Facebook gaffe—where she somehow thought price fixing could curb inflation—to Florida’s real estate headaches and the exciting possibilities of life on Mars, we’ve covered it all. Whether you’re tackling skyrocketing insurance premiums or daydreaming about sipping coffee on Olympus Mons, one thing’s for sure: the world is changing fast, and staying informed is your best way to navigate it all.
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